Since the beginning of April, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has replaced the monthly plenary meeting with weekly remote meetings to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak privacy issues as swiftly as possible.
During its first two meetings of April 3 and 7, the EDPB set its priorities and assigned mandates to its expert subgroups in order to speed up its work on the release of guidances.
On April 3, the Board had initially set its priorities on the following topics:
- the use of location data and anonymisation of data;
- the processing of health data for scientific and research purposes; and
- the processing of data by technologies used to enable remote working.
However, because of the high priority of the first two topics, it decided, during its weekly meeting of April 7, 2020, to put off the release of the guidance relating to the processing of personal data through the use of technologies enabling remote working and assigned mandates to its expert subgroups to lead the guidance work on the other two topics.
As a result, the technology expert subgroup will be leading the work relating to the geolocation and other tracing tools in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak.
The compliance, e-government and health expert subgroup will be leading the work on the processing of health data for research purposes in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak.
We, therefore, expect guidances on these two topics very soon so that to complete the high level guidelines already released in March.
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