The CNIL has upgraded its PIA tool aimed at carrying out data protection impact assessments (DPIA) or sometimes also called privacy impact assessment (PIA).
A DPIA is a risk analysis that controllers must conduct before starting processing personal data in a way that is likely to result in high risks for the rights and freedoms of data subjects (see here for more information).
This new version of the PIA tool offers new functionalities facilitating the management of PIAs and the monitoring of an ongoing assessment. These include features such as keyword searches, categorisation, archiving and creating multiple versions of a same PIA.
A number of corrections have also been made, including corrections to attachment display and printing issues.
The CNIL recalls that the PIA tool is available in 20 languages: i.e. Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
You can download the new version of the PIA tool for free from the PIA tool page (the page is only available in French but you can scroll down to the middle of the page and download the software or use the internet version).
This post is also available in fr_FR.