The ICO and the Cnil  (the UK and French data protection authorities) have launched open public consultations about the application of the GDPR.

The ICO have published GDPR consent guideline for public consultation. The guideline is quite detailed and any person interested in giving his/her opinion can fill in a dedicated form and send it to the ICO before the 31st of March 2017 (see here for more details)

As to the CNIL, there is no published guidance but the public consultation concerns the following subjects :

  • data security breach notification
  • consent
  • profiling

Unlike the ICO public consultation, it is possible to provide an opinion directly online until March 23, 2017 by creating an online account on the Cnil website (see here for more information in French).

The ICO and the CNIL have launched public consultation about the GDPR

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